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Sustainable spin generators based on Van der Waals dichalcogenides




SUBLI is a research project funded by MUR, Italian Ministry of University and Research, within the PRIN 2022 call.

SUBLI explores the possibility of developing the spintronic equivalent of thermoelectric energy harvesting, realizing spin generators based on non-magnetic materials that are charged by waste heat and can be used to feed spin currents into spintronics circuits.

The materials of choice are Van der Waals dichalcogenides (VdWDs), which combine remarkable thermoelectric power factors, comparable with values of commercial thermoelectrics, and very large spin-orbit coupling. The former property allows efficient conversion of thermal gradients into diffusion currents of electrons, while the latter property allows efficient conversion of longitudinal electric currents into transverse spin currents.

The project activities include: (1) selection of VdWD compositions, mechanical exfoliation and transfer; (2) structural and morphological characterization, measurements of electric, thermoelectric and spin transport by magneto-transport and magneto-optic characterization; (3) design, fabrication and characterization of spin generators charged by heat currents, integrated with spin valves; (4) theoretical calculation of electronic, thermoelectric and spin transport by combining ab initio and modelling methods; (5) final assessment of the potential performances, size scalability and application possibilities of the proposed device.



Duration: 24 months

Start date: September 28th, 2023

Contact: ilaria.pallecchi [at] spin.cnr.it



The project consortium receives funding from Italian Ministry of University and Research MUR, financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU, within the PRIN 2022 call, contract n. 2022M3WXE7